Personal Development Method
•Step 1. Evaluate self for gaining the attribute levels for the qualities of...
(Awareness) (Focus) (Listening) (Comprehension) (Communication) (Problem Solving) (Execution)
•Step 2. Pinpoint a specific area of yourself to begin to develop.
•Step 3. Utilize this: Problem Solving Model
1.Define the problem as the core root of it all.
2. Gather In•formation as to why you are hindered at core.
3.Have a vision of the result(s) you desire which would feel like success to you.
4. Identify Various Solution to reaching that vision.
5. Write them down.
6. Take Action mentally seeing from the envisioned success backwards to until you reached the present moment.
7. Evaluate The Action(s) & Write down the steps taken.
8. Put them into physical action adding to each step until the next step is reached.
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